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Review: McDonald's Laksa Delight Burger

The annual McDonald’s celebration for Singapore’s National Day is making a comeback as the Laksa Delight Burger! What’s more? It comes with two options; the prawn or chicken patty.

Now, let us feast on this limited-time delight!

The Sight:

Sandwiched between toasted buns is a deep-fried flaky prawn patty, creamy orangy laksa sauce, strips of green lettuce, purple cabbages and a sunny side-up. A generous amount of minced pinkish prawns filled in the patty. By the looks of it, McDonald’s definitely captured the main ingredients of a typical Laksa dish, minus the tau pork and the noodles ;)

The Smell:

A mild scent of coconutty fragrance makes its way out as we unwrap the burger. There was also a tinge of sourness coming out from the laksa sauce which might be from the spices added.

The Sound:

"!" As we munched onto the prawn patty that was fried to golden brown with panko crumbs, the crisp sounds continued.

The Taste:

The addition of a creamy sauce completed the Laksa element of the burger. The sauce had a similar taste to the McDonald’s Curry Sauce but with a much stronger coconut milk taste. For spicy Laksa lovers, you might just be slightly disappointed as this burger isn’t that spicy.

The Verdict:

The fact that it’s a limited-time burger makes it worth a try but we felt that the Laksa Delight Prawn Burger is not exactly a good representation of the traditional Laksa dishes. Instead, it tasted more curry-like then the asam taste that you normally have in Laksa. And, the coconut could have been slightly too overpowering for some. From Hainanese Chicken Burger to Nasi Lemak Burger and now Laksa Delight Burger, we can’t wait for more local fusion menus to be dished out!

P.S. We tried the Chicken one too but we felt that it was a bit too dry and the meat was not as tender. (maybe the McDonad’s branch that we went did not had good chicken😔)


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